Daniele Zullino
Grand-Pré 70C,
1202 Geneva.
Research Interests:
- Addictions
- Cyberaddictions
- Impulsivity
- Psychopharmacology
- Daniele Zullino is presently Head of the Division of Addiction Psychiatry at the University Hospitals of Geneva and Professor of Addiction Psychiatry at the University of Geneva.
- He studied medicine in Basel, and received postgrade training mainly in Zurich, Basel and Lausanne.
- From 1996 to 2005 he was attending physician at the University Hospitals of Lausanne with research activities in clinical psychopharmacology and addiction medicine.
- In 2005, he was appointed director of the Division of Addiction Psychiatry in Geneva, where he integrated heroin-assisted treatments into the general opiate-based programs and opened the first internet-addiction program in Switzerland.
Presently his research group has 3 main research tracks:
(1) Impulsivity, automatism and motivation,
(2) Behavioral addictions and related disorders,
(3) Global Mental Health in addiction medicine.
The last two topics are developed in collaboration with the WHO. H