Professor and chairman of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Department - Faculty of Nursing
Hend Abdallah Elsayed Afifi
Benha University - Egypt
Research Interests:
Gynecologic Cancer, Nursing, Women's Health, Obstetrics, Gynecology
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Benha University, May 1998.
- Master's degree in maternal and newborn health nursing (obstetrics and gynecology), Faculty of Nursing - Benha University, November 2006.
- Ph.D. in maternal and newborn health nursing (obstetrics and gynecology), Faculty of Nursing
- Benha University, November 2010. - Career and academic history: - Nursing specialist at the Health Technical Institute in the year 2000.
- Teaching assistant, Department of Nursing, Women's Health and Obstetrics, Faculty of Nursing - Benha University, on 11/1/2001.
- Effect of Different Maternal Positions during Non-Stress Test on Maternofetal Physiological Parameters. Tanta Scientific Journal. 2016.
- Mobile Technology & Nursing Education, Practice. Journal of Distance Learning and Open Learning. 2016.
- Effect of Nursing Intervention on Oral Health Knowledge, Attitude, and Health Behaviors among Pregnant Women. American Journal of Nursing Research, Volume 6, Number 3. 2018