Rasha R. Ahmed
Salah Salem Street, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, Egypt
Research Interests:
1-Natural products' roles in treatment of certain diseases such as epilepsy, cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, hypo- and hyperthyrodism, , liver failure.....etc, in different experimentally-induced models. 2- Biological activity of newly synthesized chemical compounds 3- Effects of certain antioxidants in treatment of different diseases. 4- Side effects of food additives.
I am a professor of molecular cell biology in Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, Egypt, having 50 publications in national and international journals and supervised 20 Master and Ph. D Thesis. I attended 15 conferences and 45 special and general training workshops. I am a reviewer of some journals and a member in many scientific organizations. Also, I participated in the following funded projects: "Effect of certain natural products on diabetic wounds in rats" "Search for novel anticarcinogenic algal constituents targeting the initiation, promotion and progression of chemical hepatocarcinogenesis in experimental animals", “The role of TNF-α and ammonia in hepatic fibrosis experimentally-induced by thioacetamide in male albino rat", "Search for novel anti-hyperglycemic and anti-hyperlipidemic plant and algal constituents affecting the mediators of insulin resistance in experimental obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus" and "Assessment of the improvement efficacy and mechanisms of action of citrus peel extracts and flavonoids in experimentally-induced arthritis". My research focus on exploring the toxic effects of some food additives, the use of natural products in treatment of certain diseases such as diabetic wounds, epilepsy, cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, hypo- and hyperthyrodism, Rehumatoid arthritis, liver failure.....etc in different experimentally-induced models. Different tested markers and activity of the tested natural products were carried out using cytotoxicity tests, anti-tumour activity, cell death detection (apoptosis and necrosis), PCR, Gel-electrophoresis, immunohistochemistry, ultrastructure and histopathological changes in addition to cell cycle stages. Prof. Dr./ Rasha Rashad Ahmed Professor of Molecular Cell Biology Zoology Department Faculty of Science Beni-Suef University