Journal of Developments in Mass Spectrometry

Journal of Developments in Mass Spectrometry

Journal of Developments in Mass Spectrometry

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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Editorial Board

Developments in Mass Spectrometry-Chromatography-Nayla Ferreira Lima

Nayla Ferreira Lima

Editorial Board

Volunteer, Professor of Food Microbiology at University of Santa Catarina State.

Developments in Mass Spectrometry-Forensic Science-Suvarna Kishore Marimganti

Suvarna Kishore Marimganti

Editorial Board

Department of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island, Kingston.

Developments in Mass Spectrometry-Analysis of drugs in their pharmaceutical products and biological fluids using different instrumental techniques including; spectrophotometry-Hadir Mohamed Maher Shalaby

Hadir Mohamed Maher Shalaby

Editorial Board

Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, K

Developments in Mass Spectrometry--Jennifer Paola Pascali

Jennifer Paola Pascali

Editorial Board

Associate Researcher in Forensic Science, Department of Health Sciences, University of Florence,

Developments in Mass Spectrometry-Studies on the interaction between bioactive small molecules (drugs) and target proteins by mass spectrometry-based approaches.

These investigations are aimed to the identification of the molecular targets and off-targ

Fabrizio Dal Piaz

Editorial Board

Department of Medicine and Surgery, University  degli Studi di Salerno

Developments in Mass Spectrometry-Mass Spectrometry-Alessandro Valli

Alessandro Valli

Editorial Board

University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine Oxford

Developments in Mass Spectrometry-Cancer Biology-Peiying Yang

Peiying Yang

Editorial Board

Department of Palliative, Rehabilitation and Integrative Medicine, Division of Cancer Medicine

Developments in Mass Spectrometry-PCR-Maxuel Andrade

Maxuel Andrade

Editorial Board

National Center for Energy and Materials Research, Brazilian Biosciences National Laboratory, Campin

Developments in Mass Spectrometry-Protein Purification-Purnima Kaultiku

Purnima Kaultiku

Editorial Board

Central Food Technological Research Institute, Department of Protein Chemistry and Technology, Mysor

Developments in Mass Spectrometry-PCR-Hyo Jung Choi

Hyo Jung Choi

Editorial Board

Kyungpook National University, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Daegu.

Developments in Mass Spectrometry-Medical Image Recognition System-Kamil Dimililer

Kamil Dimililer

Editorial Board

Electrical & Electronic Engineering Department,  Innovation and Information Technologies C

Developments in Mass Spectrometry-Companion Animal and Comparative Nutrition-Fei He

Fei He

Editorial Board

University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
