Journal of Glycomics And Metabolism


Glycomics And Metabolism-Organic synthesis-Ramesh C Gupta

Ramesh C Gupta


Professor of Chemistry, School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development (SASRD),  Nagal


Section Editors

Metabolism and Metabolomics

Carola Parolin

Section Editor

Dept of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna


Editorial Board

Glycomics And Metabolism-Chemoreceptors-glycan interactions and their role in pathogenesis-Bassam Elgamoudi

Bassam Elgamoudi

Editorial Board

Griffith University

Glycomics And Metabolism-Biological treatment processes
-Xu Zhou

Xu Zhou

Editorial Board

Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)

Glycomics And Metabolism-The scientific researches of Prof. Giuseppe Maurizio Campo are focalised on the physiopathological study of the glycosaminoglycans into the more common human pathologies and in pathological experimental models in animals. He has b

Giuseppe Maurizio Campo

Editorial Board

Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine - School of Medicine - University of Messina - ITAL

Glycomics And Metabolism-Parasite-host interactions via sugar chains-Kentaro Kato

Kentaro Kato

Editorial Board

Department of Parasitology, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University.

Glycomics And Metabolism-Glycobiology-Vitor Pomin

Vitor Pomin

Editorial Board

Program of Glycobiology, Institute of Medical Biochemistry, University Hospital Clementino Fraga F

Glycomics And Metabolism-Metabolomics-Hiroyuki Yamamoto

Hiroyuki Yamamoto

Editorial Board

Human metabolome technologies Inc.

Glycomics And Metabolism-The major areas are human exposure to the environmental pollutants-Heqing Shen

Heqing Shen

Editorial Board

Institute of Urban Environment (IUE), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), PI of Exposure Science for

Glycomics And Metabolism-Oxidative stress-Kumar Ganesan

Kumar Ganesan

Editorial Board

Associate Professor Faculty of Medicine Management and Science University
